Break everything you own with Hulk Hogan on Kinect

Panic Button Games will soon unleash Hulkamania via Hulk Hogan's Main Event, and those of you whom reserve at GameStop will be given a pre-order t-shirt.  The game will be exclusive to the Kinect, which of course means it intends to be a full-body, motion controlled wrestling game.  The con
cept is actually kind of neat.  You create your own wrestler via a character creator (like many wrestling games,) but you will receive training from Hulk Hogan himself in the ways of showmanship and crowd pleasing.

The game will feature 50+ moves, head-to-head multi-player and online leaderboards. Most of this isn't entirely new information, but we do have a release date now.  Prepare yourself, for Hulkamania will be upon us October 11th.

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