Tips & Cheats Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 dead 2, adalah game tembak tembakkan dan perang antar umat manusia dan zombie. Game ini lumayan sadis, tetapi game ini amat seru dan dapat mengguncang adrenalin kita. Kalau kamu belum
punya game ini, segera beli disini, harganya juga murah lagi. Nah, cheat-cheatnya kebetulan saya punya nih, silakan lihat cheatnya di bawah ini, check this out :

Pertama kali yang perlu kamu lakukan sebelum menggunakan cheat di bawah ini, kamu harus mengatur gamenya terlebih dahulu dengan cara pilih "Options", lalu "Keyboard/Mouse" kemudian pilih "Eneble" Allow Developers Console. Ketika kamu sedang memainkan game ini, tekan tombol "~" pada keyboard, untuk memasukkan cheat. Kemudian ketik "Sv_Cheats 1" untuk mengaktifkan cheat-cheat dibawah ini agar cheat dibawah ini bisa diakses :

Cheat Effect
boom Spawns a active pipebomb under you.
director_force_panic Forces a panic event
director_no_human_zombies 0/1 Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map
director_no_mobs <1/0> No mob rushes
director_panic_forever 0/1 Enables/Disables never ending panics.
director_stop Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
fire Spawns a lighted molotov right on the floor under you.
firstperson Play in first person (default); this cheat is only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled
give ammo Full Ammunition
give autoshotgun Gives auto shotgun
give first_aid_kit gives you first aid kit
give gascan gives gascan
give health gives full health
give hunting_rifle gives hunting rifle
give molotov gives molotov
give oxygentank gives oxygen tank
give pain_pills Gives pain pills
give pipe_bomb gives pipebomb
give pistol Get Pistol
give propanetank gives propanetank
give rifle Gives you an Mk 47 (machine gun)
god Invincibility
noclip Toggles No Clipping Mode
retry You can unlock achievements while using cheats (after entering sv_cheats 1, enter retry so that it will restart the game with the cheats on)
sb_friendlyfire <1/0> Sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do firendly fire damage
sv_infinite_ammo 1 Unlimited Ammunition
thirdperson Sets the camera to be in third person mode.
thirdpersonshoulder Sets the camera to over-the-shoulder third person mode
thirdperson_mayamode Sets the camera to be fixed in place while in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off.
tongue_range <#> (Default 750) Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack
z_common_limit Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies
z_frustration_lifetime <#> Sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the Tank from not attacking survivors
z_health Change Zombie Health
z_spawn <bossname> spawns a special infected (infected names:hunter,boomer,smoker,witch,tank)
z_spawn boomer Spawns boomer at location of crosshair
z_spawn hunter Spawns hunter at location of crosshair
z_spawn mob spawns a zombie horde
z_spawn smoker Spawns smoker at location of crosshair
z_spawn tank Spawns tank at location of crosshair
z_spawn weapon_SMG Gives you the SMG.
z_spawn zombie Spawns 1 Zombie
z_speed Change Zombie Speed
z_tank_health <#> Sets the maximum health of the Tank
z_witch_allow_change_victim <1/0> True/False setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first
z_witch_burn_time Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not affect damage caused by fire)
z_witch_damage <#> Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does.
impulse 101 Gives Ammo To Your Primary Weapon
buddha 1 just like god but you receive damage(sometimes if you are the only survivor left you can't receive damage from infected)
z_pounce_damage X amount of damage you want to do to survivors
sb_give XXXX x= desired entity to give to your bot teammates (the console should give you a list)
tongue_fly_speed X x= amount of speed that you want for the smoker's tongue to fly
z_pounce_door_damage X x= desired amount of damage to pounce through doors
sb_openfire or open_fire (console will tell) makes your bot teammates shoot nonstop
Ent_Remove Removes All Bots
Vocalize Vocalizes/makes the player say anything like vocalize playereatpills
ent_fire !self addoutput "gravity 0.10 Enables low gravity jumps, falls, and pounces. (works for infected players)

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